1.833.MYATBAT 1.833.692.8228
Purpose: To establish proper preventative measures to protect individuals against sexual misconduct as well as to
specify courses of action in the case of allegations or an actual incident regarding sexual misconduct.
Standard of Conduct: All workers, volunteer, paid, full-time and part-time, of the On Deck Foundation are expected to comply with the established policy on Sexual Misconduct. Any actions contrary to the organizational policy will be dealt with swiftly and may include disciplinary measures up to and including termination, as well as legal ramifications when applicable.
Child Sexual Abuse – any sexual activity with a child–whether in the home by a caretaker, in a day care situation, a foster/residential setting, or any other setting, including on the street by a person unknown to the child. The abuser may be an adult, an adolescent, or another child, provided the child is four years older than the victim” (National Resource
Center on Child Sexual Abuse, 1992).
Sexual activity – may be violent or non-violent, touching or non-touching, and is an exploitation of a child’s vulnerability and powerlessness. It involves children in sexual behaviors for which they are not personally, socially, and developmentally ready.
Sexual Misconduct – inappropriate behavior relating to or involving a sexual nature.
a) Pre-screening of Workers
1. All paid workers, part time and full time, will fill out an application and a primary screening for volunteer workers
2. All volunteer workers will fill out a primary screening for volunteer workers application.
3. All workers, volunteer, paid, full-time and part-time, will be interviewed by an authority within the applicable department.
4. All workers, volunteer, paid, full-time and part-time, will provide a valid form of ID (i.e., state driver’s license, social security card, or other acceptable form of ID).
5. All workers, volunteer, paid, full-time and part-time, will provide at least two (2) professional/personal references upon application to be conducted prior to any service with the organization. The references are to be conducted by an authority within the organization. The authority should note any information they tried to secure but could not verify or obtain.
6. All workers, volunteer and paid, full-time and part-time, will sign a release for Criminal Records Check to be used at the church’s discretion.
7. All full-time paid workers will sign a release for Criminal Records Check and undergo a criminal background check prior to any activity of employment with the organization.
8. All workers in a leadership position with direct relation to children must have been members of On Deck Foundation for a minimum of six (6) months prior to filling the position.
9. No applicant or volunteer ever convicted of a sexual related crime is eligible for service in a position with direct relation to children.
10. Any applicant or volunteer who is a survivor of child abuse in the past must meet with a staff member prior to service in a position with direct relation to children.
b) Common Supervisory Policies and Procedures
1. Two Adult Rule – minimum of two (2) adults in any setting or activity regarding children. In cases where an adult has a legitimate reason to be alone with a child (i.e., counseling, visitation), all workers should obtain the consent of the child’s parent or guardian prior to being alone with the child.
2. Badges or signing in and out of children.
3. Have adults (age 18 or older) present with teenage volunteers.
4. Any supervisor is responsible to address suspicious behavior or any behavior that may be contrary to organizational policy and to document and report such occurrences to the proper authorities.
c) Reporting Procedures
1. All allegations must be taken seriously.
2. All allegations should be reported to the established authority and/or Human Resources as immediately as possible.
3. The established authority and/or Human Resources will notify the parents or legal guardian.
4. All situations will be handled forthrightly with due respect for people’s privacy and confidentiality.
5. Full cooperation will be given to civil authorities when applicable.
6. No accused will be addressed by anyone other than the established authorities and/or Human Resources until the safety of the child or victim is secured.
7. No victim involved in an allegation or anyone responsible for reporting an allegation will be retaliated against.
d) Investigation of an Allegation
1. All allegations will be investigated expeditiously by established authorities and/or Human Resources.
2. Any accused worker will be relieved temporarily of his or her duties until the investigation is completed.
3. All details, interviews, and information will remain confidential to those legitimately involved in the investigation. Any individual or group responsible for a breach in this confidentiality is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
4. No individual involved in an allegation or anyone responsible for investigating an allegation will be retaliated against.